Friday, April 26, 2013

Unit VI: The Phillips Curve

u%=unemployment rate
π%=rate of inflation

*The Phillips Curve represents the relationship b/t unemployment and inflation
*trade-off b/t unemployment and inflation occurs over SR
*each point on the Phillips Curve corresponds to a different level of output
*LRPC=long run Phillips Curve
  • occurs at NRU
  • represented by ↨ line
  • no trade-off b/t unemployment and inflation in LR
  1. economy produces @ FE output level
  2. nominal wages of workers fully incorporates any changes in PL as wages adjust to inflation over the LR
*LRPC only shifts when LRAS shifts (both have the same determinants)
*↑ in unemployment, LRPC →
*↓ in unemployment, LRPC ←
*Increase in AD=up/left movement along SRPC 

  • C↑, Ig↑, G↑, and/or Xn↑
  • AD→: GDPR↑ and PL ↑; u%↓ and π%↑; up/left along SRPC
  • this would be depicted in the graph below 
*Decrease in AD=down/right along SRPC
  • C↓, Ig↓, G↓, and/or Xn↓
  • AD←: GDPR↓ and PL↓; u%↑ and π%↓; down/right along SRPC
  • in this case, point B would move to point A in the graph below

**Check out this blog for more info. on the Phillips Curve and other economic topics: 

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