Sunday, April 14, 2013

Monetary & Fiscal Policy (during a recession)

Monetary Policy
International Trade
Fed will:
      1.       Buy bonds                
      2.       Lower RR                
      3.       Lower DR
      4.       Lower FF

 all contribute to:
MS ↑, i ↓, Ig ↑, AD ↑,

**opposite occurs during inflationary prd
D $ (demand for $) ↓
$ depreciated (value of $ goes ↓)
Exports ↑ (cheaper)
Xn ↑
AD ↑

Fiscal Policy
International Trade
-congress will cut taxes or ↑ govt spending
-consumption and govt spending will ↑
-AD will ↑
-GDP ↑
-Deficit→supply of LF ↓ (none to loan out)
I (interest) ↑
Ig ↓
D $ ↑
$ appreciate (increase in value)
Exports ↓
Net exports ↓
AD ↓

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