Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Types of Unemployment

Unemployment→failure to use available resources (labor)
Employed→includes those that are self-employed

  1. new entrants
  2. reentrants
  3. laid off
  4. lost last job (fired)
  5. quit last job
NOT in labor force:
  • military (armed services)
  • homemakers
  • students
  • retirees
  • disabled people
  • those in mental institutions
  • prisoners
·         temporary, transitional, short-term (searching for job, in between jobs)
·         signals new jobs are available and reflects freedom of choice
·         people quit/got fired, or looking for a better job
·         graduates from college
·         economic downturn in business cycle (4)
·         deficient demand for goods and services (caused by recession)
·         jobs do come back (same one or another in field)
·         Deals w/ tech. 1) automation→job may become obsolete due to change in consumer tastes 2) creative destruction; as jobs are created, others are lost 3) change in skills (ex. NASA→cut program)
·         Jobs dependent on seasons/weather (ex. Lifeguard, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, construction workers)

Unemployment rate formula→
(# of unemployed/total labor force-# of unemployed+# of employed-)x100
**standard unemployed rate>4-6%

Full employment (FE)→natural rate of unemployment (NRU)
  • equal to structural and frictional unemployment
  • FE does NOT mean 0 unemployment
Okun's Law:
  • describes how unemployment relates to a nation's GDP
  • states that for every 1% unemployment above the NRU, a (-) GDP gap of 2% will occur
Unequal burdens of unemployment:
  1. rates are lower for white-collar workers
  2. teens have highest rates
  3. blacks have higher rates than whites
  4. rates for males and females are comparable

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