Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Gross Domestic Product (GDP):
  • total value of all final goods and services produced in U.S. in a given (one) year
  • includes all production and income earned w/in U.S. by U.S. and foreign producers
  • does NOT include production outside U.S., even by Americans
Gross National Product (GNP):
  • total value of all final goods and services produced by Americans in a year
  • includes production or income by Americans anywhere in the world
  • excludes production by non-Americans, even in the U.S.
Formula for GDP→C+Ig+G+Xn
  • C=personal consumption (67%); purchases of finished goods and services
  • Ig=Gross Private Domestic Investment; new factory equipment; construction of housing; factory equipment maintenance; unsold inventory built in a year
  • G=Govt spending (ex. buy airplanes, buses)
  • Xn=net exports (exports-imports)
Items NOT Counted in GDP:
  • used/second-hand goods
  • gifts (scholarships)
  • stocks and bonds (recycling $)
  • unreported business activities (cash tips)
  • illegal activities (selling drugs, mafia)
  • financial transactions between banks (switching $) and businesses
  • intermediate goods→used to finish product
  • non-market activities (babysitting, volunteering)
Expenditure Approach→C+Ig+G+Xn=GDP
  • income generated from production of goods and services
Income Approach→W+R+I+P (wages+rents+interest+profits+statistical adjustments)→make balanced
  • add all income generated from production of final output
**expenditure and income approach MUST be equal

Net Domestic Product (NDP)→GDP adjusted for depreciation (consumption of fixed capital)

National Income (NI)→income earned by American-owned resources, whether it is here/abroad
  1. Net National Product (NNP)-Indirect Business Taxes (IBT)
  2. CE+RI+II+CP+PI (compensation employee+rental income+interest income+corporate profits+proprietor’s income)
  3. GDP-IBT-Depreciation-Net Foreign Factor Payment
Personal Income (PI)→income received by households regardless of source

Disposable Personal Income (DPI)→after tax income, available for household consumption
  • NI-Household Taxes (HT)+Govt Transfer Payments (GTP)
Nominal GDP (NGDP)→measures GDP in current dollars, no matter what output is (PxQ)

  Real GDP (RGDP)→measures GDP in constant dollars, adjusted for inflation

GDP Deflator→measure of level of prices of all new domestically produced final goods and services in economy
  • (NGDP/RGDP)x100
Inflation rate→a rise in the general level of prices
  • (price index in year 2 (current year)-price index in year 1 (previous year))/price index in year 1 (previous year)
Consumer Price Index (CPI)→most widely used measure of overall price level in U.S.
  • (price of market basket in particular year/price of same market basket in previous year)x100
GNP=GDP+Net Foreign Factor Payment
Net Private Domestic Investment+Depreciation=Gross Private Domestic Investment

*Net Domestic Product=GDP-Depreciation

*Budget=Govt Purchases of G&S and Govt Transfer Payments-Govt Tax & Fee Collections


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