Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unit I: Basics of Economics

  • Macro- vs. Micro- Economics
macroeconomics-study of major components of economy (e.g. inflation, wage laws, international trade) -THE ENTIRE ECONOMY-
microeconomics-study of how households and firms make decisions and how they interact in markets (e.g. supply and demand, market structures)

  • (+) vs. normative economics
positive economics-attempts to describe the world as it is (e.g. minimum wage -$7.25-, causes unemployment) -can prove it is true, VERY DESCRIPTIVE
normative economics-how world should be (e.g. govt should raise minimum wage) -VERY PRESCRIPTIVE

  • wants vs. needs
want-a desire

  • scarcity vs. shortage
scarcity-most fundamental problem facing all societies, satisfying unlimited wants w/ limited resources (e.g. gas)
shortage-situation in which quantity demanded is quantity supplied

  • goods vs. services
goods-tangible (touchable) commodity (useful thing)
2 types-
   1. capital goods-items used in creation of other goods (e.g. factory machinery, trucks)
   2. consumer goods-intended for final use by consumer (e.g. burger)
service-work performed for someone else

  • 4 Factors of Production
1. land-natural resources
2. labor-workforce (how much is exerted)
3. capital
-human capital-knowledge and skills worker gains through education and expertise (skill)
-physical capital-human made objects used to create other goods and services      (e.g. tools, machinery, equipment, buildings)
4. entrepreneurship-involves risk-taking, being innovative and inventive

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