Friday, May 17, 2013

Unit VII--Part 3: Comparative & Absolute Advantage

Absolute Advantage
-faster, more, more efficient
Comparative Advantage
-lower opportunity cost
-no 2 countries have same comparative advantage in making same products

EX) David Ricardo bakes 2 cakes per hour and 6 pizzas per hour. Ricky Ricardo bakes 4 cakes per hour and 8 pizzas per hour. This is represented in the chart below.

David Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo

1. Who has the comparative advantage in baking cakes? (**the smallest #)
3 to 2 cakes

2. Who has the comparative advantage in making pizza?
0.33 to 0.5


Foreign Exchange Market Graph Examples

Foreign Exchange Market

Changes in Exchange Rates:
-Exchange rates (e) are a function of the supply and demand for currency
  • an ↑ in supply of a currency will ↓ the exchange rate of a currency
  • a ↓ in supply of a currency will ↑ the exchange rate of a currency
  • an ↑ in demand for a currency will ↑ the exchange rate of a currency
  • an ↑ in demand for a currency will ↓ the exchange rate of a currency
Appreciation & Depreciation:
  • appreciation→of a currency occurs when exchange rate of that currency increases (e↑), meaning prices will go up
  • depreciation→of a currency occurs when the exchange rate of that currency decreases (e↓)
  • EX) If German tourists flock to America to go shopping, then supply of Euros will ↑ and demand for $ will ↑. This will cause the Euro to depreciate and the $ to appreciate. 
Exchange Rate Determinants (4):
  1. consumer tastes
  2. relative income
  3. relative PL
  4. speculation (stocks, interests, bonds)
**TIPS (cheat-sheet):
  • always change the D line on one currency graph and the S line on the other currency graph
  • move lines of 2 currency graphs in same direction (R or L) and you will have correct answer
 Flexible Exchange Rate→determines by market forces w/ little/no govt intervention

Fixed Exchange Rate→determined by govt policy (U.S.→$ doesn't fluctuate; stays same no matter what)  

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Foreign Exchange (FOREX)

Foreign Exchange→buying and selling of currency
EX) In order to purchase souvenirs in France, it is first necessary for America to sell (supply) their dollars and buy (demand) Euros.

*The exchange rate (e) is determined in foreign currency markets
EX) The current exchange rate is approximately 77 Japanese yen to 1 U.S. dollar.

*Simply put: exchange rate is price of a currency
*do not try to calculate the exact exchange rate
*increase in demand of Euros relative to U.S. dollar

Extra: Credits vs. Debits

Creditsaddition to a nation's account
Debits→subtractions to a nation's account

How to Calculate the following:
1. Balance of Trade: merchandise ↓ service exports-merchandise ↓service imports (typically)
2. Trade deficit occurs when the balance on trade is negative (imports>exports)/ Trade surplus occurs when the balance on trade is positive (exports>imports)
3. Balance on current account=Balance on trade (exports & imports)+Net investment income+Transfer payments
4. Official Reserves

Δ in CA+Δ in FA+Δ in official reserves=not zero

Unit VII: Balance of Payments

Balance of Payments→measure of $ inflows and outflows b/t U.S. and rest of world (ROW)

  • inflows referred to as "CREDITS"
  • outflows referred to as "DEBITS"
They are divided into 3 accounts:
  1. current account
  2. capital/financial account
  3. official reserves account
Double Entry Bookkeeping:
*every transaction in balance of payments is recorded twice in accordance w/ standard accounting practice
EX) U.S. manufacturer, John Deere, exports $50 million worth of farm equipment to Ireland.
-a credit of $50 mill. to current account 
(-$50 mill. worth of farm equipment or physical assets)
-a debit of $50 mill. to capital/financial account
(+$50 mill. worth of Euros or financial assets)
-notice that the 2 transactions offset (balance) each other. Theoretically, the balance payments should always =0.

Current Account:
1. Balance of Trade of Net Exports
  • exports of goods & services --imports of goods & services
  • exports create a CREDIT to balance of payments
  • imports create a DEBIT to balance of payments
2. Net Foreign Income
  • income earned by U.S. owned foreign assets--income paid to foreign held U.S. assets
  • EX) Interest payments on U.S. owned Brazilian bonds--interest payments on German owned U.S. treasury bonds
3. Net Transfers (tend to be unilateral→one-sided)
  • foreign aid→debit to current account
  • EX) Mexican migrant workers send $ to family in Mexico
Capital/Financial Account
*the balance of capital ownership
*includes purchase of both real and financial assets
*direct investment in U.S. is a credit to capital account
EX) Toyota Factory in San Antonio
*direct investment by U.S. firms/individuals in a foreign country are debits to capital account
EX) the Intel Factory in San Jose, Costa Rica
*purchase of foreign financial assets represents a debit to capital account
EX) Warren Buffet (a wealthy man) buys stock in Petrochina
*purchase of domestic financial assets by foreigners represents a credit to capital account
EX) United Arab Emirates sovereign wealth fund purchases a large stake in NASDAQ

What Causes Capital/Financial Flows?
*differences in rates of return on investment
*Ceteris Paribus ("with other things the same" or "all other things being equal"), savings will flow toward higher returns

Relationship b/t Current & Capital Account
*current account and capital account should zero each other out (+/-; surplus/deficit)
EX) The constant net inflow of foreign financial capital to U.S. (capital account surplus) is what enables us to import more than we export (current account deficit)

Official Reserves
*foreign currency holdings of U.S. Federal Reserve System
*when there is a balance of payments surplus, the Fed accumulates foreign currency and debits the balance of payments
*when there is a balance of payments deficit, the Fed depletes its reserves of foreign currency and credits balances of payments 
*official reserves zero out the balance (everything)
*active vs. passive

Helpful Guide:


Supply-side economics or Reaganomics:

  1. support policies that promote GDP growth by arguing that high marginal tax rates along w/ current system of transfer payments (i.e. unemployment compensation and social security) provide disincentives to work, invest, innovate, and take entrepreneurial adventures
  2. believe AS curve will determine levels of inflation, unemployment, and economics growth
Trickle-down Effect
*Rich→poor (direction of $ flow)

Marginal Tax Rate→amount paid on last $ earned or on each additional $ earned
  • Reaganomics believe if you reduce the marginal tax rate, more people will be inclined to work longer, thus forgoing leisure time for extra income.